17 Things You Should Know About Dating A Girl With Mental Illness

32 thoughts on “17 Things You Should Know About Dating A Girl With Mental Illness”

  1. one more thing to mention, a thing, I would say, positive. with her you will nnever get bored, because it is so unpredictable that you never know what can happen in the next moment. 🙂 nice post.


    1. Having met a man with this condition, I can say it’s totally true!! He is fun, loving, creative, basically..all the things I love in a partner…but when this is all gone, I’m broken into tiny pieces and to rebuild that is almost as hard as to recover from a tornado. It’s devastating..


  2. Hey, I’m kind of new in this, I’ve recently been dating this girl, she has ADHD bipolar disorder and drepession, quite a bit right? But for some reason I can’t get her out of my mind, she is so entertaining, she’s beautiful and I think the best part is how you can’t tell what she’s thinking, I think that really gotten me, I spent the night with her yesterday and like today she would reply to my texts til like late afternoon, is this normal with dating a girl like this? I’m so confused.


    1. Hi Dino! First off thank you for being so honest with me, and you came to the right place. Women with bipolar disorder are magical in many ways, so I can understand your connection to this individual. Its interesting because the way you describe her actions are similar to my own. However, we do have the ability to make it very confusing for others to understand what we are thinking, which makes you insecure and conflicted Im sure. As for her response to texts, I wouldn’t worry about the timing. She is probably just busy doing other things. The fact is she responded to you which means theres some type of interest there.

      The thing is, those of us with Bipolar, we struggle to truly let someone fully into our lives so we push and pull. So heres what I would suggest-just be patient and establish a trust between the two of you. This means just be patient with it. Its the beginning stage so take the pressure off. We are not easy to read. I cant guarantee what will happen, but if you like her that much then continue, but def don’t base her feelings off the timing of her texts. Keep me informed about what happens. Wishing you the best. Im sure she would be lucky 🙂 -Hannah


    2. Yeah cuz they tend to sleep all dsy when depressed. She probably woke up late and replied. Also they are self absorbed


  3. I dated someone with bi polar for 13 months. I would advise anyone reading this that unfortunately, yes, mire often than not these types of relationships ARE doomed from the start. They are emotionally draining, and unfair, and many have major issues with understanding boundaries. If you don’t want to lose yourself while playing caregiver to another person, avoid dating someone who is bi polar. I am truly sorry, it is just the truth. 12 months later I still think what was done to me was unfair and yes it WAS her mental illness that ruined us, because of the things it caused her to do. I got out before she actually cheated.


      1. Oh I wanted to say that just through observing people I am close to – including my wife of 20 + years – I have developed a way of coping with the challenged to me and supporting them – and they read a LOT like your main points…


  4. I will list them as best I can…what I say to all

    1. I am here for you right? You know that…
    2. No pressure – if you want to talk or laugh with me or watch a movie or go for a walk by the river – i will love that totally because I adore your beautiful soul – but I can also handle it if you don’t want to…You gotta learn to not personalise the need of them to withdraw at times.
    3. I defend them from attacks from others like a guard dog…lol here! I cannot bear the injustice.
    4. talk about it when they want to – I think actually that we have all had minor breakdowns in our lives as a response to deaths and …..well….kinda deaths in the midst of life if that makes sense. sometimes your soul is battered and wont ignite…not for long…life is full of joy and sorrow and this is just part of the mix.
    5. Just be around and don’t get fed up with them.
    6. Let them know they are appreciated for themselves. I am a musician and I could not stand being involved with anyone on any level who was mundane.
    7. Realise that maybe…just maybe…your purpose on earth is to help others; to put others first.
    8. I always think that there are no bad emotions. The only really bad one is not feeling at all.

    9. Always let them know how wonderful they are…they are brimful of charm/insight/profundity and talent – in my experience…


    1. Hi David!
      Everything you mentioned here makes so much sense. I also met a man with this condition and it’s amazing how connected I felt while it lasted..and I am sure he felt something for me too..but since I’m new to this kind of relationship, I would like to know how do you “handle” those moments (days, weeks, months even) without her? I mean when you are on your own…don’t you feel lonely?


    1. Hi! It is common for those of us living with bipolar disorder to have trust issues especially in romantic relationships. All you can do is let her know that you accept and love her as she is, regardless of her diagnosis of a mental illness. Sharing information (social media accounts or blogs) that talk about bipolar disorder might be helpful as well. Hope it all works out for you. Thanks. Sending love. -Hannah


  5. Hi David!
    Everything you mentioned here makes so much sense. I also met a man with this condition and it’s amazing how connected I felt while it lasted..and I am sure he felt something for me too..but since I’m new to this kind of relationship, I would like to know how do you “handle” those moments (days, weeks, months even) without her? I mean when you are on your own…don’t you feel lonely?


  6. Hi Hannah I recently started dating this girl 3 months ago I graduated HS With her back in 1985 her husband passed away unfortunately coming up on 4 years ago, I knew her husband when we were younger we hung out together but I never knew that they were married until her and I met, we found each other on Facebook dating on our profiles we both said that we wanted long term relationships, we have gone away for 2 long weekends so far and totally enjoyed ourselves, some of the things that I do for her she says are too overwhelming, and that now she has changed her mind and doesn’t want a LTR, she is going away on vacation soon with family and friends and has told me that while she’s away she doesn’t want to have to think of a man ( me), during this time away it will be her husbands 4 year Anniversary so that’s why she wants to be away to help cope with the loss, I know that I love her but she has said that she told her therapist that she doesn’t think she’d be able to love again, Her family has a history of mental Illness and mine as well, My Mom and my Brother had it but I don’t, do u think there might be a chance she could feel different someday and love me back.


    1. Hi Thomas! Your comment touched my heart because I can feel both your love and hurt by the situation. It sounds like she struggles with many emotions, and relationships require a lot of effort. I am sure she cares about you, but she does not have space for someone else. I know heartbreak hurts, but you never know what the future brings. The more you try right now, the more it will push her away. I would give it time and space, also, to take care of yourself and your mental health and honestly start dating again. Sometimes, we get too caught up on one person because being alone is scarier than not being loved back. However, it’s the opposite. You are a loving and caring man who is clearly empathetic. These qualities alone make you deserving of love. I don’t know if she will return someday, but no one knows the future. And mental illness is not as much a factor here. Sure she could have a diagnosis, but whose to say that will change anything if she gets help. Keep hope, but also take steps to move on. Maybe this will help her realize what she had in you, but don’t want for that realization. I am sending you love and I hope you heal. You deserve love. -Hannah


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